I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
–John 13:34
It is with good reason that Christ gives us the commandment to love one another, for from hatred a multitude of evils can spring. It was hatred that led the crowds to condemn Christ to death, though he was innocent; It was hatred that lead to the brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, though he was a beloved of God; and it is hatred that fueled the killing of 11 brothers and sisters of the Jewish faith at Tree of Life Synagogue just a few days ago. I ask for your prayers for those who lost loved ones, for those who will forever be affected by the trauma caused by this evil act, for those in law enforcement who risk their own safety for the sake of others, for those in the medical field who work tirelessly to heal the wounded, and for those who are so blinded by hatred that they would give themselves over to evil. Hatred lead to this horrific act, but hatred will not have the final say, for God is love. Especially in times like these, we must remember to love one another, and not to allow our differences to fuel hatred that takes root in our hearts. From hatred, a multitude of evils can spring, but it was Love that led to the salvation of the world. Especially in these times of great evil and sorrow, let us love one another as Christ loved us. Amen.